Tips and Strategies for Preventing Overwatering Your Landscaped Garden This Autumn

The good news is that autumn is almost here. The bad news, for those looking to landscape their yards, is that over-watering can cause untold destruction. So, how does one prevent over-watering from taking hold of their yard?

Here are some tips and strategies you can use to avoid overwatering your landscaping this autumn:

Water only twice a month or every fortnight

Whenever it is autumn, plants in your garden don’t need much watering. That is why you need to lessen the water schedule and do it every other week. The best time to water is early morning or late evening when it’s cooler outside, and there’s less chance for evaporation and sun damage.

Make sure you set a timer on your watering system so the water has time to soak deep into the soil before sunrise.

Check the soil before watering

Before putting your sprinklers on automatic heave off mode, check the soil first. If it looks/feels damp or has puddles forming on top of it, then you don’t need to water today. Overwatering leads to root rot, disease build up and leaching of nutrients from the soil – all of which result in an unhealthy look for your lawn.

Add mulch where appropriate

Mulch acts as a natural insulating layer around plants and trees that helps keep moisture within their root systems instead of evaporating quickly during hot summer months when watering more frequently is necessary. If you’ve just planted some new plants make sure you mulch them up right away – a two-three inch layer should do the trick! 

Evaluate watering systems regularly

Whether you have an automated irrigation system or prefer manual watering through a hose or sprinkler head they should all be evaluated regularly so they are dispersing the right amount of water with even coverage throughout your land. Adjust heads as needed if wet spots are forming in certain areas; reduce flow times if standing puddles persist after 15 minutes due to poor drainage patterns in those areas.

Encourage natural drought-tolerant species

Your landscaping should include both native and adapted plants since these tend to be naturally drought tolerant with minimal maintenance needs compared with other varieties requiring regular watering sessions throughout spring/summer season (e.g. petunias).

Native species also have shorter root systems which help absorb solar radiation better than longer ones like grasses – this helps keep their temperature cool during hotter parts of the day. Be sure to choose low-maintenance shrubs too (like yarrow or bluebeard) so you don’t have to spend too much time managing them!                                                                             

With these tips and strategies in mind, avoiding overwatering shouldn't be an issue this spring when it comes to landscaping your yard. Remember that every plant's needs vary--so give each one specific attention as far as how much water they require each day/week/month throughout their growing season depends largely on where they are located; sunny spots might need supplemental irrigation while shadier ones won't often times--but with proper knowledge and care, healthy plants provide beauty all year round without any worries about over-watering.

Landscaping Melbourne

At Bayside Landscaping, we focus on understanding the individual needs of all our clients so that we can create beautiful outdoor spaces that will not only look amazing but also last for many years to come. From garden designs to lawn mowing and maintenance, our experienced staff offer a comprehensive range of services custom-made to suit the size and budget of any project.

No matter what you have in mind for your outdoor space, we guarantee that you will be satisfied with the results! With years of experience in the industry, we have the skills to exceed expectations and give you an incredible backyard or courtyard that you can enjoy every day.

If you’re looking for quality workmanship delivered at competitive rates then don’t look any further – call us now!

Suggested Read to know more about Sustainable Landscaping in Australia


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