Tips and Strategies for Preventing Overwatering Your Landscaped Garden This Autumn

The good news is that autumn is almost here. The bad news, for those looking to landscape their yards, is that over-watering can cause untold destruction. So, how does one prevent over-watering from taking hold of their yard? Here are some tips and strategies you can use to avoid overwatering your landscaping this autumn: Water only twice a month or every fortnight Whenever it is autumn, plants in your garden don’t need much watering. That is why you need to lessen the water schedule and do it every other week. The best time to water is early morning or late evening when it’s cooler outside, and there’s less chance for evaporation and sun damage. Make sure you set a timer on your watering system so the water has time to soak deep into the soil before sunrise. Check the soil before watering Before putting your sprinklers on automatic heave off mode, check the soil first. If it looks/feels damp or has puddles forming on top of it, then you don’t need to water today. Overwat...